Luca Mari - Some invited lectures
- "Formal Ontologies, Applied Sciences, and Data" workshop, Università di Bologna (3.10.2023), lecture: "Measurement: more than property representation"
- Politecnico di Milano (5.7.2022), lecture: "Il ruolo sociale della cultura metrologica: qualche ipotesi?" (in Italian)
- Università Statale di Milano (6.5.2022), lecture: "La nostra società ha bisogno di un po' di cultura metrologica?" (in Italian)
- SCM, St.Petersburg (27.5.2021), plenary talk: "Measurement, computation, simulation, etc: is there still a difference in the “big data” age?"
- IOMW, Berkeley (4.2.2021), plenary talk: "Measurement, computation, simulation, etc: is there still a difference in the “big data” age?"
- Université de Genève (14.10.2020), lecture: "Metrology and standardization" (updated version)
- Politecnico di Milano (11.11.2019), lecture: "Modelli della misurazione, modelli nella misurazione" (in Italian)
- IEC General Meeting - TC 1 Workshop, Shanghai (20.10.2019), lecture: "The implementation of the revised SI in IEC standards"
- Université de Genève (14.10.2019), lecture: "Metrology and standardization" (updated version)
- Université de Genève (9.10.2018), lecture: "Metrology and standardization" (updated version)
- Inter‐University Centre, Dubrovnik (17.4.2018), lecture: "Some notes about truth in measurement"
- University of California, Berkeley, course "Education 274C: The Philosophy of Measurement - Spring 2014" (23.1.2018), lecture: "Metrology"
- Université de Genève (16.10.2017), lecture: "Metrology and standardization" (updated version)
- Université Paris 7 Diderot (12.6.2017), lecture: "An epistemology (and some sketches of a related ontology) of quantities"
- University of California, Berkeley (31.1.2017), lecture: "Can there be a metrology for psychometricians?"
- WSC Academic Day 2016, "Standardization for sustainability: the role of education", Frankfurt, IEC General Meeting (12.10.2016), lecture: "On the evaluation and the communication of data and decisions about sustainability"
- Université de Genève (5.10.2016), lecture: "Metrology and standardization" (updated version)
- University of Cambridge (UK) (20.5.2016), lecture: "Definitional uncertainty: a definitionally uncertain (or vague) quantity?"
- Université de Genève (7.10.2015), lecture: "Metrology and standardization" (updated version)
- Warwick Business School (21.7.2015), lecture: "Some reflections on what is measurement - and what it is not"
- Université de Genève (23.10.2014), lecture: "Metrology and standardization"
- University of California, Berkeley, course "Education 274C: The Philosophy of Measurement - Spring 2014" (22.4.2014), lecture: "Metrology"
- University of California, Berkeley (19.11.2013), lecture: "Outline of the current status of measurement science: from the point of view of the International Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM)"
- University of California, Berkeley (20-22.11.2013), series of workshops: "Models of measurement: the general structure"; "Models of measurement: measuring systems and metrological infrastructure", "An overview on measurement uncertainty: from the standpoint of the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM)", "Is the body of knowledge on measurement worth to be a 'science', and what may be the scope of a measurement science?"
- ZiF, Bielefeld (15.3.2013), lecture: "Outline of the current status of measurement science: from the point of view of the International Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM)"
- Helsinki University (14.12.2012), lecture: "Bridging social and physical measurement: measurement is not scale construction; measurement is not quantification"
- Université Paris 7 Diderot (4.12.2012), lecture: "The (non-traditional) concept of measurement uncertainty is tied to the (traditional) concept of quantity value: analysis and consequences"
- Psychometric Society - 77th annual conference (11.7.2012), plenary talk: "An overview on measurement uncertainty"
- Psychometric Society - 77th annual conference (9.7.2012), workshop: "Models of measurement: from an engineering point of view"
- Lorenz Center, Leiden (25.10.2011), lecture: "The 'error approach' and the 'uncertainty approach': are they incompatible?"
- Université Paris 7 Diderot (13.3.2012), lecture: "Measurement uncertainty as a unifying concept for expressing the quality of measurement data"
- Cranfield University (23.11.2011), lecture: "A pragmatic perspective on measurement"