STGraph: learning by simulating

STGraph is a software application to create, edit and run models of dynamical systems according to the state variable approach of Systems Theory. It allows interactively building models as directed graphs, whose nodes and arrows represent variables and relations of functional dependence between variables respectively.

STGraph was initially developed as a support tool for lectures of System Theory for engineering students at master level, but it has been used also by high school students and some professionals.

STGraph is an open source, freely downloadable application, written in Java and runnable on any JVM/JRE 1.6+. Its user interface is currently in English and Italian.

Download STGraph and some related documentation

STGraph can be freely downloaded by any single user or organization which will use it for non profit purposes. Those who are interested to use STGraph for other purposes are requested to write to for an agreement.

STGraph runs within a Java Virtual Machine, thus under MS Windows, Mac OS, and Linux, and in a safe sandbox. The only precondition is a pre-installed Java Runtime Environment.

with installation instructions (note: each STGraph version is identified by the build date, and the changes between versions are usually related only to minor new functionalities and bug fixes: data file format compatibility is generally guaranteed among versions) (note: the third version - 'fat' jar - does not always work correctly on MacOS).


STGraph documentation files (in Italian and English) [zip file]
Una breve introduzione operativa a STGraph (in Italian)
Una breve introduzione concettuale a STGraph (in Italian)
Una breve introduzione a STEL (STGraph Expression Language) (in Italian)

Source code

The GitHub repository with the Java source files of STGraph and the libraries it requires to run

STGraph is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

Project contact: Luca Mari (